Below is a photograph I took of myself. But it took a few goes to get here!
The quest for the perfect shot often hinders the magic behind our eyes.
The pressure to look good can freeze our faces.
So the best advice I give to anyone who steps in front of my lens is to make mistakes. Do them on purpose and early on in the shoot. To get out of our heads. Because when we do what we fear, we no longer fear it. Because if we go along with the shoot, fearing a bad photograph, we'll never take a truly good one.
We have to take risks when we express ourselves.
I also make mistakes during the shoot, because I'm human. The beauty of having a proper brand photo shoot is that we can take the shot again, we can move to a position with better light, we can have multiple goes, and fail together, until we get it right.
This perspective gives us the freedom and breadth to be adventurous and the tension on faces who are unfamiliar with being in front of the camera, disappear.
All of my clients find the entire journey therapeutic by the end.
I'm not super strict about my timings, so if it feels right to take a time out and have a cup of tea somewhere, that's what we'll do. There's no countdown. If there's a cool location we spot down the road, we go there!
More often than not, I capture the very best photos at the end of the shoot. The time when we're flagging is actually the prime moment because we no longer care too much about the way we look. In that state, your true self comes out. The masks have been shaken away.
Join me on a personal brand shoot in London, to not only show your potential clients who you are, but to truly be who you really are. I can't wait to me you!
Remember, we're all human. Look at how many goes and failures it took me to get the right shot that felt natural and authentic:
Your London Brand Photographer,